Two new essays on my cancer journey

Dan Klotz
1 min readAug 20, 2021


I survived a second round with lymphoma, but it was not easy.

It took a year and a half to figure out what was wrong with me — a recurrence of diffuse large b-cell lymphoma — and then another half year of treatment to enter remission once more. Now I’m in recovery, trying to process what the heck hammered me and my family.

I wrote two essays that examined the experience. The first looked at the many doctors (and one quack) that tried and failed to figure out the problem:
Not Everyone Can Take Their Health Insurance Out for a Test Drive — and Survive

The second looked at the damage done by the cancer, how it ended my athletic career, and why I’m running a marathon regardless of the obstacles:
When cancer hangs your cleats up for good

There’s probably one final piece coming that looks at the podcast I produced, Surviving, in which I interviewed 12 people who have gone through all sorts of trauma and disease. I’m currently trying to figure out whether to produce a second season of this podcast and welcome ideas and interview suggestions.

Fortunately, there’s more to come from me…!

My running coach, Scarlett, and I, review pacing strategies in the backyard.



Dan Klotz

Been there, done that, twice. You can keep the t-shirt. #fuckcancer #StopAsianHate #BlackLivesMatter